Watercolour Wednesdays Episode 5!

watercolor fish painting #5
Watercolor Fish Painting for Watercolor Wednesdays Episode 5

I do a time-lapse painting of fish and talk about the impact a background can have on a painting in terms of establishing mood, setting, and establishing a range of tonal values.


Watercolour Wednesdays Episode 4!

octopus tentacle painting
Octopus Tentacle Painting for Watercolor Wednesdays Episode 4

I talk about important lessons I have learned this week with using quality reference images and how it can impact paintings when the references are heavily relied upon. I get more experimental and do a double page watercolour painting of octopus tentacles.

Watercolour Wednesdays Episode 3!

watercolor fish painting #3
Watercolor Fish Painting for Watercolor Wednesdays Episode 3

In this episode I talk about how to paint in detail with watercolours, how I make it easier for myself by painting in a specific order, and how I paint in layers.


Watercolour Wednesdays is Here!

watercolor goldfish painting #1
Watercolor Goldfish Painting for Watercolor Wednesdays Episode 1

Watercolour Wednesdays is a series I will be uploading a video for each week where I will be documenting my progress in learning how to use watercolours more effectively. I will be creating paintings related to an underwater theme and will be discussing different topics in each video such as techniques and tricks, what materials I’m using, reflections of the individual paintings, and talking about how I am learning and progressing as I go on. The first video is below and I hope you enjoy it!

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